Term 3 Week 7. Blooms Flowers and Foliage

This week we our seniors were taking a good hard look at flowers, blooms and foliage. Up close or further away. Different mediums and techniques change the look completely. Fun with figures was where the Intro sketchers were up to. Proportions are a great way to start, then all your figures will look right.

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Erin HillComment
Term 3 Week 6. Architecture, Lights Darks & Shadows

This week we exploring architecture using strong colour and contrast. Sometimes in black and white, other times in patterns and paint. Very exciting results came from the variety of techniques students used. Other students were mastering eye level perspective. It’s a breakthrough when students get through this one and always feel very proud at the end.

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Erin HillComment
Term 3 Week 5. Sketching People at Work

This week we are looking at people sketching as they are at work. We’ve found great action in hair salons, cafes and other workers. Great material for us of course. Watercolour is definitely on the agenda for new sketchers and who are now becoming quite confident with the medium.

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Erin HillComment
Term 3 Week 3. Sketching is for Everybody

This week we have a very wide range of subjects and styles, which makes for exciting sketches. Come with us on the journey we take as we explore what watercolour will do, or playing with water brush and aquarelles. It makes you happy and that’s the most important part.
Read on.

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Erin HillComment
Term 3 Week 2. Sketchers are a Community

We have some beautiful sketches this week showing ‘Turneresque’ style weather and cloud patterns and colour. Colour is big for us. We teach how to use one pure colour over another, leaving white tops and sides, to achieve the brightness we’re known for here at Erin hill Sketching. No grey or black paint. We can make that from our palette. Read on.

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Erin HillComment
Term 3 Week 1. Exploring Techniques in Travel Sketching

It’s been incredibly hot in our sketching world. At least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Some places have never had heat like it. Hopefully you all found a shady to tree to sketch under. We must continue our sketching journey no matter what!
That is what has happened this week in Australia. Classes are back for another exciting term, and we’re seeingimaginative and creative work right from week 1.
Check it all out.

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Erin HillComment
My Traveling Sketching Life. Summer Festivities.

Summer is the time when the social swing hits the heights in the little French villages. Once you’ve been coming for a few years you are invited to all sorts of dinners, aperos, and summer parties. Even 10.00AM coffee and Rose at the markets every week. You are never alone. Unless you choose to be. Walk out your door and you’ll be invited to something.

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Erin Hill
My Traveling Sketching Life. Olonzac Markets

Every Tuesday from early till midday the Olonzac markets take over several streets. About 15mins drive from our village. These are considered some of the best around, although every village has a market once a week. Very small villages have vans that arrive in the mornings, play very loud old time music over a speaker to alert you to them being there. You could be in a broom cupboard and you’d hear them.

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Erin Hill
Melbourne Sketch Classes.

Jeanette our Melbourne tutor’s classes were cleverly spread over several weeks while she traveled. to spread So here are her last classes for Term 2. Subjects were to catch the icons in a setting. The final week was tone texture of wildlife.

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Erin Hill
My Traveling Sketching Life. Azille South of France

Because we spend so much time each year in the South of France, we either stay in our very special village of Trausse, or in Azille. Depends which one is available. Both are home. From here I can work with Annette our France Licensee doing classes and Workshops in villages all over the area from here to the coast.

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Erin Hill
South of France. Weekend & Midweek Travel Sketching Getaways.

Erin Hill Sketching France offers WEEKEND and MIDWEEK sketch experiences, in the South of France. In less than 2 hours from U.K. and you’re here. Magical.
Come and experience the joy of travel sketching and the peace and quiet of a wine growing village. No experience needed at all.

Perfect getaway with friends, family get togethers, couples celebrations and more.

July to September 2021

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Erin Hill
London Travel Sketching Workshops June/July 2019

Our inaugural Travel Sketch Workshops just took place at Cass Art Islington. Wow was it exciting. If you think you haven’t a creative bone in your body - then this is for you.. Everybody can sketch, Yes truly. We’ll be back with more classes and workshops so keep in touch about London Workshops and our ShortStay Sketch Holidays in South of France.

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Erin Hill
Term 2 Week 8. All good things must come to an end - but more is coming.

Week 8 and the final one of Term 2.
Wait till you find out what our class plans are for Term 3 for Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland. You’ll love the challenges and opportunities to push your techniques. Plus some exciting new locations.
Full day Workshops in London are proving rather popular. Great chance for people to discover sketching in the Northern Hemisphere.
See what happened this week.


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Erin HillComment
Term 2 Week 7. People and Action Machines

Week 7. In France we are having a heat wave so we seek plenty of drinks and shade while sketching. We don’t give up of course. 🥵In New Zealand and Australia our sketchers have had to wear winter woolies. It’s actually winter so that’s why! 😉 In the USA it’s been slightly on the warm side too. Particularly down the swampy Savannah way. We carry on regardless.😲 Uk is hopefully not going to have any traditional weather next week. Rain🌂.


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Erin HillComment
London Travel Sketching Workshops - June/July 2022

Join me on a 2 Day Travel Sketching Workshop in London.

Sunday June 30th / Monday July 1st.
Day 1. Learn to sketch the simple shapes as you plan your page, without the extra detail. Day 2 will be our ‘Getting Loose with watercolour’ day. keeping to just 8 colours we’ll learn the layering trick which gives you the freshest and brightest watercolour.

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Erin Hill