Life in Natick Massachussetts

One of the first sketches I did was one of the many magnificent homes here in this New England town.

It’s been a long time coming, as it has for us all. Each year for past two, we’d have all our plans in place, tell everyone we were on our way. But No. Another hit of we all know what and so it went on.

Finally we made it. Could hardly believe we did. And here we are in Natick near Boston. Thoroughly settled in as Grandparents, Parents, Inlaws, Home assistants, and Sketch Tutor. Always sketching.

The town is beautiful and very New England. White pickets and detailing on every home. Verandahs and summer houses, perfect for end of the day aperos. Huge park like gardens with flowers and colour quite different to The Tweed in Northern NSW Australia.
We’ve met the loveliest people since arriving and we feel very part of the scene everywhere we go.

I’ve met some creatives who are very keen to have Sketch Workshops here in Natick on a regular basis. So we’re working on that.
We’ve visited daughters lab at University of Massachussets. Unbelievable sized university buildings sitting on the edge of the Charles River. Very peaceful and very meditative to ponder over when trying to work out the next pandemic.

Time is going so quickly and we’re seeing a little boy who was so tiny last visit telling us he knows how to draw and can help me if I need it. That is the very place I want my students to be. What happens to our creative side between then and growing up!!

Erin Hill