Hibiscus. Our start for the new term

Welcome to the new year. Well it had better be a very uplifting and bright one. Folks are beginning to bounce back. Taking charge. Being sensible but getting back out there.
Some are still fearful and we all respect everyones stance here. It can be very difficult for some.

We were delighted to start our first term with full classes in Mosman, Bangalow and Kingscliff.
By keeping classes smaller we can look after everyone and where possible be outside. However inside with spacing and good airflow is fine. The best part is being together again.

Hibiscus are always our very first foundation lesson for all our sketchers. We’re observing, visually measuring, planning - all before putting a line on paper.
Taking control of the subject is the first step. The sketch can then go ahead with you knowing that it will fit on the page. If not, just stop before going off the page. Nothing matters anyway. It’ll still look great.

Do enjoy the sketches you’ll see from our classes.

Urban Sketchers first meet for the year just happened. People sketch what they like at the venue we meet at and it’s fascinating. It’s untutored and it’s free. The nice part is being with likeminded people who you never normally meet and having a thoroughly enjoyable time.
Rather horrid weather and my favourite white hat took off into the water, and slowly sank!! You’ll see it floating in my sketch!

BANGALOW. NSW. Wednesday February 2nd 2022. At Woods Cafe

KINGSCLIFF NSW. Friday February 4th 2022. At the Studio Apt.

MOSMAN NSW. Saturday February 5th 2022. Home Studio Mosman.

URBAN SKETCHERS GOLD COAST. Q’LD. Saturday February 5th 2022. Terranora Creek NSW

If you are unable to attend classes or live too far away - we have the answer. Online Email Classes with all the tips and techniques of classes and sketch tours.

Erin Hill