Sketch Your Cake

A joyous occasion when you can eat your cake and have it too!

Join us for a Flutterbies glorious High Tea and Sketch lesson.
Sunday December 12th 2021

Time: 11.00am - 1.00pm
Experience: None required
Where: Flutterbies of Tyalgum  
We loan you the sketch kit if you don’t have your own. The sketchbook will be your gift.
Only a few places available now.

Begin with a glass of sparkling champagne Rose Bliss, and enjoy sketching your delicious selection of cakes, savouries, tea or coffee.
If you haven’t sketched before, Erin will explain how to see your subject, to sketch and apply colour. You will then have the pleasure of consuming your High Tea, leaving you with a lovely sketch record of your unforgettable day and a forever memory.

Meet at Flutterbies Cottage Cafe, 23-25 Coolman Street, Tyalgum. NSW 2484 Australia

To Book: email to reserve your place

Payment to Erin Hill
ING Bank
BSB: 923 100
ACC: 636 702 67