Getting to know Watercolours
Both our Workshops from this week were on Saturday. And so was my USk Gold Coast Australia event.
However when I wake up on Saturday in the USA those events have happened 14hrs earlier. Takes some getting used to!
Mosman with Kirsten was Week 3 for her students. That meant learning ‘whites on tops and sides’ and how our our one colour at a time method with watercolours works. No premixing at all.
You’ll see the ‘Rocks’ which we’ve long used to show the chinagraph effect as 3 watercolours are ‘dropped’ one over each other. You learn how gorgeous watercolour is when you let it bloom.
You’ll also see their watercolour flower sketch with the first simple colours applied.
Our last Sketch Natick Workshop was on Saturday in the USA.
I’d found a beautiful peaceful scene which would be possible for a group who’d neither sketched or used watercolours before.
I was so impressed to see their sketches develop intofinished works. Just shows that it is very rewarding to sketch the way we teach it.
Enjoyable, no stress and a happy memory of the day. Really the pleasure of doing the sketch is almost more important than what’s on the page.
Mosman Week 3.
Sydney Australia.
Saturday June 18th 2022. Click on the images for full size.
Sketch Natick. USA.
Trees and Landscape
Saturday June 18th 2022. Click on the images for full size.
Catch up with you next week from Southern France.