Sketching with USK New York.
Saturday October 27 and Tuesday October 30 ‘18
One of the marvellous things we sketchers can do when travelling is to go along to an Urban Sketchers meet up.
It’s so easy to look them up wherever you are on Facebook and tell them you’re in town, and pop along next time they meet.
Mark Leibowitz is the admin and organiser for the Weekend USK NY group.
Saturday turned out to be very wet windy and cold, but like a handful of others I was determined to go. Being with other passionate sketchers is more important than weather!
The American Museum of Natural History was jam packed with visitors who’d rather not sit in a hotel room on a wet day, but go somewhere interesting.
We’re used to crowds and we sketched on happily.
At meet up time and supposed lunch break we found that the cafe was booked till 3pm. We were now across the road at the NY Historical Society Museum & Library
So off we wandered to sketch until the crowds cleared. Just 4 of us survived the day till now and we had such a lovely chat and Show&Tell. Anya from Poland, me from Sydney, Mark from NY and Win from Burma (now a NY boy)
Tuesday was the mid week group organised by Raylie Dunkel. Meeting point was entrance to the Six Pools of channel gardens on 5th Ave.
The pools are gardens in the winter and this month full of pumpkins and chrysanthemums. I was quite keen on that as a sketch but the wind was biting a little if out of the sun, so I decided inside and downstairs was best. Milton found me a great spot by the window looking out at the Ice sketching rink. He also got me a pumpkin spiced coffee!!! oh well!
Everyone turned up there about lunchtime for a bite to eat and Show and Tell. Each person says who they are and something about themselves and the sketches they’ve done. Wow there are some gorgeous works and each totally different.
I love how a group of sketchers some you’ve never met can drop into conversation about pens, paper, etc etc. like old buddies.
Just like EHS sketchers. You are part of a very welcoming community.
Thank you New York. I’ve loved being part of you albeit briefly this time.
Happy sketching.