Sausage people, and other shapes

Everyone is well settled into their classes by now. Being able to fearlessly put pen to paper is what we’re all after.
By now people’s own style is coming to the fore and it’s fascinating. How you make marks on your page is incredibly individual and no one else can do it the way you do. Embrace it.
We do tend to look at other people’s sketches at times and want to do it that way. Of course it’s a great way to learn and we can take tips from that.
But in the end it’s your way of sketching we love most. We surprise ourselves sometimes when we look at what we’ve done! Disconnect and look at it later with fresh eyes and you’ll often be very pleased with your sketch. Funny thing that!
We had students working on sketches of their own homes, and the trees that were there. So very personal. We also have students who are on vacation who send their sketches done as they go.
Some of us were up to the other terrifying ‘P’ word - PEOPLE.
Like everything we learn to see as shape, people are just that. A bunch of shapes connected. Sausage people help with seeing those shapes.
Faces and heads are the same. Features placed on an egg! Who’d have thought!
It’s fascinating how much we begin to relate to our little ‘sausages’ once we add colour and some clothes. We do get so many laughs out of this.
Take a look at what we got up to this week.

Erin Hill